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Monday, December 27, 2004 @ 12:14 pm

Blogging again...
Sudden inspiration to do so. Feeling non-existent today and had the most boring day of my life.
Losing friends is always hard. I assumed that just because we were in the same college, we would remain close. Boy was I wrong. I feel regret that I never made the extra effort to keep in touch with them. Eventhough they didn't really bother I Know it's my fault cause I thought of it just didn't take action. It just takes one person to take action and then everything will be ok. At least I assume so. Now I shall never know now would I.
Nevertheless when I went to the party last week I felt so jealous that them DU people were so close and never lost touch compared to us. I know my fault again.Well at least I managed to have one heart-to-heart talk with one of my old best buddies.Never realized how much I missed him when he left until that day we talked again.Hope that if I go to UK he and I will keep in touch and stay close.
What can I do now that we are all far apart.I can't help it now, can I?My new friends rock, they really do just kinda feel out of touch with my old friends.Losing them will be hard.I definitely won't lose touch with those who I am really close to but still I hate losing friends.If I can mend friendships with those whom have hurt me so badly, what more this.
I miss my old friends. I hope that my new friendships will last longer than this and I pray that I shall get hurt no more.
I sound so ego in this post...Feel like I'm doing everything for me only...AM I?...(Shall think about that)
~New is silver, Old is gold but when the gold loses its appeal,silver takes over~


Undergrad Law
Cardiff University

Current Favourite Song:

I will always be here,
No matter how much you hurt me!


a car: VW Golf GTI or
Mercedes C220 SE
a new laptop
new toys
and the list goes on...


In Cardiff
In Kuala Lumpur


Looking For Something
Lousy Spellers
Messenger On The Go
My New Best Friend
The Best Site In The World
World Of Wonders


December 2004
January 2005
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007


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